Hieronder kan u mijn verhaal lezen
zoals het is beschreven in de "Quick&Easy"
a British Stitch and Craft Magazine.

Please feel free to read my story in Quick&Easy"
a British Stitch and Craft Magazine.
A basso vuoi leggere la mia storia nella revista "Quick&Easy".

Wilt u meer foto's zien van deze quilt? Dat kan via de hobby "Patchwork" of u klikt hier voor het rechtstreeks bekijken van de Merry Mouse Quilt foto's. Dank u voor uw tijd en aandacht!

Would you like to see more pictures of the Quilt? You will find them when you click on the hobby "Patchwork" or when you click here to go direct to the Merry Mouse Quilt pictures.Thank you for your attention!

Quick&Easy Christmas 2007 Issue 158

Questions? Please feel free to contact me!
Avete domande? Prendete contatto con me senza impegno.
Thank you! Grazie!